La Picantería es un restaurante localizado en una zona tradicional de Lima. Busca recrear el ambiente de las típicas picanterías del interior del país, que son conocidos por tener una sola mesa donde todo se sientan juntos. Un estudio y recolección de elementos regionales dió como resultado un restaurante donde se siente la energía de una rica cultura folkclorica que cambia con su ciudad, pero que permanece con una personalidad fuerte y definida.
Las lindas fotos son gracias al blog Jamajamajama
Las lindas fotos son gracias al blog Jamajamajama
Para Taller Cuatro
La Picantería is a restaurant located on a very traditional area in Lima. It recreates the mood of the typical picanterías (family owned restaurants wich serves creole food) from the inner country, wich are popular for having big tables where strangers will come and share a meal. A research and recolection of regional elements came to this result, a restaurant wich represents a rich folk culture that changes along with the city but remains in a very strong and defined personality.
La Picantería is a restaurant located on a very traditional area in Lima. It recreates the mood of the typical picanterías (family owned restaurants wich serves creole food) from the inner country, wich are popular for having big tables where strangers will come and share a meal. A research and recolection of regional elements came to this result, a restaurant wich represents a rich folk culture that changes along with the city but remains in a very strong and defined personality.
Beautiful photographs are thanks to blog Jamajamajama